COATS, hats and gloves for children in Dorset are being donated to help those in need this winter.
With the cold season fast approaching and the cost-of-living crisis continuing, Dorset Council is running a community scheme to provide youngsters with some warm clothing.
The council has been encouraging residents to donate clean and undamaged children’s coats, hats, and gloves for those aged between 0 and 16.
Items already gifted can also now be collected from designated sites in the county, with donations also still being accepted.
Cllr Byron Quayle, portfolio holder for children, education and early help, said: “In the face of rising living costs, we urge our Dorset residents to come together and make a difference. By donating, you can provide vital warmth and support to local families this winter.
“It is essential that all donated items must be clean and in good condition and for children aged 0-16 years old.”
Residents can collect their donations at the following places in the north of the county:
- Blandford Children’s Centre, Black Lane, Blandford Forum, Dorset, DT11 8SW.
Monday to Friday, 9.30am to 4pm. A designated donation box is available in the reception area. - The Shaftesbury Children’s Centre, Wincombe Lane, Shaftesbury, SP7 8PZ.
Monday to Friday, 9.30am to 4pm. A designated donation box is located at the entrance.
Items can also be dropped off at the same places.
For more details on cost of living support available from Dorset Council, log on to
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