News from Wareham’s annual town meeting

A new town clerk, a new deputy town clerk and three staff leaving led to a reorganisation of roles prior to more recruitment.

Sadly, Chas, who had been our street cleaner, died not long after he retired.

The replacement service provided by Dorset Council was unsatisfactory, so the town’s grounds team has taken on cleaning the busier streets.

This will help the town council and Wareham Community Growers in the National Britain in Bloom competition this year following its Gold in the regional rounds last year.

The town council has kept the precept increase to 2.87%.

Visitor information will be available in Not Just Sundaes while the council decides on how to best communicate with visitors and local people.

There has been an increase in vandalism and anti-social behaviour.

Members of the public were urged to ring 999 if they see a group engaged in anti-social behaviour or looking likely to cause damage.

A greater police presence in Wareham, especially after the loss of a very good PCSO, would be welcome, as would the reinstatement of a skate park. CCTV has been upgraded.

The council has installed electric vehicle charging points in its Howards Lane car park.

The Red Lion hotel, owned by Greene King, is under offer.

Two businesses are to open soon in North Street and South Street.

If people want to keep the town vibrant, they need to patronise their local services and shops.

Joyce Spiller, from Purbeck Youth Community Foundation, announced that the youth centre will become a family hub providing support to families with children from conception to adulthood.

It was agreed that a successful youth club helps the whole town.

The Mayor had 181 engagements during the year, though he did not say whether that included a puncture in Howards Lane car park!

It did include unveiling a plaque for 1,000 years of St Martin’s Church and the official opening of the four refurbished play areas on March 25.

The next council meetings are on Tuesdays April 18 and May 30 at 7pm in the council chamber.

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