SWANAGE High Street will see 11 weeks of temporary traffic lights to allow for essential gas main replacement works.
The temporary lights will be in place from the High Street between Jubilee Road and Days Road from Monday, February 17.
Scotia Gas Networks (SGN) are carrying out work that is “crucial” to address the history of leakage and provide a permanent solution to avoid further leakage and disruptive repairs in the area.
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A spokesperson said SGN is no longer able to provide permanent repairs to leaks on this section of gas main, and so 395 meters of gas main along The High Street between the junctions of Jubilee Road and Days Road will be replaced.
“Due to the location of the gas main in the road, we will need to have temporary three- and two-way traffic lights around our work area as we progress between these junctions,” they added.
“We will also be closing the High Street junction outside 353 to 349 High Street (the triangle junction of the High Street) for the location of mandatory welfare.
“Bus stops will be affected as we progress—we’d advise passengers to contact their service provider for the latest updates/changes to bus stop locations.
“Bin collection days will remain unchanged unless you hear otherwise from your service provider.
“On-street parking restrictions will be in place as we progress – local signage and cones will keep road users informed. Access to businesses and properties will be maintained.
“We appreciate traffic lights on the High Street will be disruptive for road users and for the businesses on the High Street. Our engineers are committed to completing this work as quickly and as safely as possible.”
People should direct questions to customer@sgn.co.uk or alternatively call the customer service number 0800 912 1700.
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