Man punched and kicked outside Soho nightspot in Christchurch

A MAN was punched and kicked outside a Christchurch nightspot.

Police have issued a CCTV image of a person they would like to trace in connection with an incident outside Soho, in Church Road, at around 1.15am on Saturday, April 27.

Officers said the victim – a man in his 30s and from Surrey – sustained a cut to his head and attended hospital for treatment after being “punched and kicked”.

PC Eniko Srof, of Dorset Police, said: “I am now issuing a CCTV image of a man I would like to identify and would ask anyone who recognises him to please come forward.”

Anyone with information should contact Dorset Police via, or by calling 101, quoting incident number 55240062120. They can also contact Crimestoppers anonymously via or by calling 0800 555 111.

Officers want to trace this person. Picture: Dorset Police

Officers want to trace this person. Picture: Dorset Police

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