Autumn can be just as busy as spring when it comes to gardening.
It is time to cut back the perennials that have finished flowering and divide those suitable to help rejuvenate them and ensure they return year after year.
Deadheading roses will encourage continuing blooming. If your roses have become infected remove any leaves with dark marks as this will help to discourage the fungus that causes black spot.
If you have a pond, make sure you scoop out any fallen leaves and cut back any surrounding plants.
It is also important to net your pond to help protect any fish that become more vulnerable to predators over the winter and prevent leaf drop.
Spring flowering bulbs can still be planted and will ensure your garden is blooming with colour when spring arrives.

PHOTOS: S. Hermann/F. Richter, above, and Frank Winkler, below, from Pixabay
The summer bedding plants will be coming to an end and now is the time to plant winter bedding to extend the flowering season of your garden.
Autumn is the perfect time to plant your winter bedding plants. A little warmth will help them get established and ensure you will have a lovely display over the colder months.
If planting in pots that have previously had summer bedding in, it is a good idea to add new compost to replenish the nutrients that will have been used by the previous plants.
The most popular varieties of winter bedding include:
n Cyclamen, a tuberous perennial, great for naturalising under trees, also in shady borders and banks. They thrive in well drained soil.
n Viola, with brightly coloured flowers and a compact foliage, make them ideal for containers or grouped in borders. Despite their delicate petals, violas withstand the cold very well.
n Pansies, which are hardy and easy to grow. They bloom with large, striking flowers and come in an array of colours. They thrive in well-draining, fertile soil in a sunny position.
n Chrysanthemums, glorious plants that bring a fresh flourish of colour just as many summer colours are fading. They are suitable for both borders and containers.
Rudge’s Garden Centre have a variety of spring flowering bulbs and winter bedding in stock
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