Plans for 5G mast near Weymouth submitted

PLANS for a 5G mast near Weymouth have been submitted.

CK Hutchison Networks (UK) Limited has applied to Dorset Council for persmission to install a 15m-tall mast and associated cabinets for equipment on land in East Street, Chickerell.

Residents now have until May 6 to comment on the plans, which the firm says would improve 5G services in the area.

The application said a balance needed to be struck between the need to improve connection services, and to minimise the risk of ‘visual amenity intrusion’.

“In this location, existing mast sites are not capable of supporting additional equipment compliment to extend coverage reach across the target area and prospective ‘in-fill’ mast sites are extremely limited,” the application added.

“There is an acute need for a new base station to provide effective service coverage and in this case, the height of the proposed street pole is the minimum required to bring the benefits of 5G to this area.”

The proposed mast in East Street, Chickerell, would stand at 5m tall. Picture: Dorset Council/CK Hutchison

The proposed mast in East Street, Chickerell, would stand at 5m tall. Picture: Dorset Council/CK Hutchison

It said the proposed site was ‘the best available’ and a mast would ‘assimilate well into the immediate street scene and not be detrimental’.

For more information – and to comment on the plans – log on to and search for application reference P/PAEL/2023/02201.

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