Investors’ guides to Dorset’s opportunities

NEW guides to attract investment in Dorset have been published.
The documents, aimed at businesses and investors across the UK and abroad, showcase the potential for millions of pounds’ worth of opportunities to invest in the county.

Dorset Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) has published the five investment prospectuses, which are available to download free of charge.
They highlight more than 50 case studies of transformational business success from Dorset, including companies such as Lush and Sunseeke.

Each guide covers a specific sector key to the Dorset economy: advanced engineering and manufacturing; agritech; financial services; marine; and digital and creative.
They have been produced by the LEP’s Invest in Dorset team, a group of economic development professionals who help clients identify opportunities for growth and expansion in the county.

Vinita Nawathe, executive director of Dorset LEP

Vinita Nawathe, executive director of Dorset LEP

The team offers a support package that includes location and labour market advice, assistance on securing funding, introductions to training and recruitment partners, mentoring, networking and help with relocating staff.
Dorset LEP executive director Vinita Nawathe said: “Investors and entrepreneurs need to understand what return on investment they can expect in our region.
“We have a great story to tell across a range of industries, with many businesses right at the cutting edge of high-growth sectors.
“Our guides explain why leading companies and organisations have based themselves here and the benefits that others can expect to enjoy if they follow in their footsteps.”
All the guides are downloadable from

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