Eligible people in Dorset urged to book Covid-19 booster jabs

ELIGIBLE people are being urged to book their Covid-19 booster jabs this spring.

More than 75,000 people in Dorset are eligible for the vaccine top-up, and appointments are available to book now.

Over-75s, people aged five and over who have a weakened immune system and older adult care home residents are all entitled to a free vaccination to protect themselves from the virus.

Dorset’s vaccination teams have begun administering spring booster doses at clinics across the county, with appointments available through April, May and June.

Eligible residents will receive a message from the NHS reminding them to book an appointment via the National Booking Service, or by calling 119.

If you think you should be eligible for a vaccine but have not been invited to have a jab, you can check online or self-declare via the National Booking Service.

A list of vaccine centres is available at

Paul Bolton, clinical services manager for the Dorset Covid-19 vaccination service, said: “Appointments are bookable across the county at more than 30 clinics in community hospitals, pharmacies and some GP surgeries.

“Eligible residents will have easy access to the latest vaccine at a local clinic near to them.

“We have capacity for everyone, and they have until June 30 to get a jab, so there’s no need to rush. But it is important to book in advance.

“Our roving vaccination teams are working alongside our clinics to boost more than 12,000 of our most vulnerable people in care homes, as well as eligible housebound patients.”

After June 30, primary doses (first and second jabs) of the Covid-19 vaccine will no longer be available, except for people at higher risk, who will be able to book them during the annual spring and autumn programmes.

Anyone who has yet to receive their first or second Covid-19 jabs is encouraged to book an appointment via the National Booking Service at a local clinic.

Dr Ravin Ramtohal, lead GP for the vaccination programme in Dorset, said: “Covid-19 is still circulating in our communities. Vaccines remain an important part in people staying well from existing and new strains of the virus. Especially for those that are more likely to become very poorly from catching it.

“I would strongly encourage everyone to ensure they are up to date with their vaccines to protect themselves.”

For more information on vaccinations visit and search for vaccinations. If you do not have online access, call 119 to book your appointment.

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