News from Wareham Town Council – October report

THE traffic control on the A351 over the railway line earlier in October was to allow pile driving to test the stability of the embankment before installing a footway/cycle path.

Cllr Ezzard has been chasing Dorset Council to remove vegetation which hangs down into North Street near St Martin’s Church.

To help clear the Cordite Way footpath, contact Katie Black, senior countryside ranger – Purbeck. Tantinoby Lane residents have been granted permission to establish a wildflower area near the sensory garden.

The Dorset Council (DC) Household Support Fund is available to council residents who have not previously applied, have net income less than £30,000 and savings less than £16,000.

Following an independent report of repairs and checks needed on the town hall building, the amenities committee has to prioritise what can be achieved within the budget. The council is discussing the best use of the town hall annex after the SAFE Partnership moves out at the end of October.

One way of tackling the damp problem, vandalism and general unsuitability of the Howards Lane toilets is to demolish and replace them with pay-to-enter cubicles. The electric charging points in Howards Lane car park are now functional.

Planning applications under consideration on July 26 include the conversion of the former Methodist Church into seven flats, demolition of the industrial unit at 1 Westminster Road and change of use to residential, housing development at the former gas depot, conversion of Bestwall Barn to living accommodation and development to the rear of 12 West Street.

The town clerk has instigated an investment policy which aims to secure the council’s financial assets while getting a good rate of interest on investments. A re-written Grants to Local Organisations Policy clearly sets out the criteria, requirements and conditions for awarding grants and the follow-up action required of the recipients.

Council supported the re-application for Fairtrade Town status. Cllr Ezzard is the Dorset Council fairtrade champion and Cllr Dean, the Fairtrade representative on the town council.

Council approved a 99-year lease for the Rugby Club with a five-yearly rent review.

The town council’s Christmas reception is on Thursday, December 14, when the Volunteer of The Year award will be presented.

Councillors discussed the ongoing Lidl application but the town clerk stated that, unless consulted by Dorset Council, the town council had no say, although the Wareham Neighbourhood Plan group had reported to Dorset Council that a store would have negative implications for the Neighbourhood Plan.

Members of the public are welcome to attend the next council meetings on Tuesdays November 14 and December 19 at 7pm in the council chamber. For more information, contact the town council office on 01929 553006 or consult the council’s website,

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