“IT was pretty out of the blue – I thought it was a diver at first.”
Those were the words of Antonio Malins, who was surprised to find a seal looking back at him as he walked around Wareham Quay.
The 18-year-old said he was wondering, minding his own business, on Wednesday (October 18) when he suddenly noticed the animal.
“It came over, said hello for 10 seconds, and went away again,” he said. “I think it was probably just exploring.
“It was pretty out of the blue – I thought it was a diver at first.”
According to the Dorset Wildlife Trust, both grey and common seals can be found in county waters.
Despite their name, the common seal – which Antonio spotted in Wareham – is the rarer breed.
Almost all sightings of common seals in Dorset come from Poole Harbour and its adjacent waterways, which is probably how it got to Wareham.
“No one’s really seen a seal in Wareham Quay,” the trainee chef added. “It’s definitely encouraged me to see more nature.”
To learn more about seals in Dorset, or to report a sighting, visit www.dorsetwildlifetrust.org.uk/what-we-do/conservation-at-sea/dorset-seals

The seal swimming away
We were on Wareham quay on Thursday November 21st 2024 at around 3 pm and a seal popped up in the river for about 10 seconds , looked around and then disappeared.